Cross-country skiing around Plain Washington

There are many great cross-country skiing options within a half hour drive north of picturesque Leavenworth, including many easy and fun trails in the Plain and Lake Wenatchee State Park areas. Trail systems are inter-connected for longer out & back or loop options, as well. Most of the […]

2018-01-17T20:59:39-08:00January 1, 2018|

Public Art in Overton Square Memphis

Memphis has a surprising and intriguing amount of quality public art installations sprinkled throughout the city, especially in the more trendy areas such as Overton Square. Various artsy areas also have fun art walks with food trucks, opening receptions, snacks, and lots of art eye candy.

In Overton Square, there […]

2017-11-11T22:35:09-08:00November 2, 2017|

Adventure Terra Tree Climbing in Deception Pass State Park

Adventure Terra, the rock climbing guide and training group, has expanded to a whole new type of climbing: ancient old growth trees. It’s a great experience in straight-up vertical ascent. No fear of heights allowed!

The experience begins with meeting the guide, suiting up in gear, and getting an […]

2017-12-24T10:27:52-08:00September 24, 2017|

Seattle Mini Maker Faire

The Seattle Mini Maker Faire is a terrific event for adults, kids, people who want to learn something interesting, and people who like to learn about cool stuff. Maker Faires are organized around the country by “creative geeks” who meld science, art, performance, and fun. The Seattle event […]

2017-09-23T23:24:49-07:00September 17, 2017|

Nooksack Falls in Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest

Nooksack Falls is a nice stop-over on the road up to Artist Point in Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. It is easily accessed immediately from a parking lot, and offers several different viewpoints.

The area around the falls is remote from towns yet has a history of providing electrical power, […]

2017-09-24T11:48:25-07:00September 4, 2017|

Table Mountain Trail near Artist Point at Mt Baker

At road’s end into the Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, there is one of the beauty spots of the Pacific Northwest: Artist Point. And a great trail to hike from there is Table Mountain Trail.

It ascends in a briefly steep fashion until undulating along an upper ridge, spanning only […]

2017-09-23T21:41:05-07:00September 3, 2017|
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