Seattle’s School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA) offers a series of trapeze circus arts classes for the public. They’re fun, a good workout, and give the swinging world a whole new perspective.

Each class begins with stretches and exercises, followed by instruction on particular moves and tricks appropriate for your experience and comfort levels. Then it’s a revolving stream of a small group of students climbing up a 30 foot ladder to a platform and jumping off into space hoping for the best. The coaches provide safety lines and yell instructions at each step, so there is a figurative safety net as well as the literal one.

The experience is especially interesting since timing is important and it keeps the personal focus level high, plus each step in a series of moves needs to be remembered and instantly done. It’s definitely easier reciting it in your head on the ground than when actually hanging upside down listening for commands, but that’s what makes the “flying time” all the better.

2011-03-27 SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Cirucs Arts trapeze class tent in Seattle

School of Acrobatics and New Cirucs Arts training and performance tent

2011-03-27 SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Cirucs Arts in Seattle trapeze class platform holding bar

Grabbing trapeze bar and preparing to launch from platform

2011-03-27 SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Cirucs Arts in Seattle trapeze class hanging upside down by knees

Upside down knee-hang from trapeze bar

2011-03-27 SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Cirucs Arts in Seattle trapeze class setting up for handoff catch

Synchronizing swings with a SANCA instructor on another trapeze bar

SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts Seattle trapeze class hang swing

Hanging under swinging trapeze to prepare for next trick

SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts Seattle trapeze class backflip off trapeze bar

Back flip into air off the trapeze bar

SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts Seattle trapeze class knee-hang reach

Practicing stretch and hand positions for mid-air catch

SANCA School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts Seattle trapeze class mid-air catch

Practicing a mid-air catch fully in motion, with SANCA coach on left