Monarch Sculpture Park is a community art effort started by an individual and now helped & carried by the community to keep it going. When it was formed in 1995, it grew across its 5 acres into a mix of sculptures that now totals 110+. It apparently went into disrepair for a while, though is making a comeback through volunteers, community donations, and the founder’s efforts. It is now open to the public dawn to dusk and is being maintained while larger restoration work occurs slowly in the background.
The park’s sculptures stand beside open grass areas, a meandering trail, or embedded in the forest, plus there is an indoor gallery with limited hours. Styles range from thematic to whimsical to interactive. Materials range from wood to stone to plastic, though are primarily metal.
Monarch is a fun, quirky expression of an initial vision with a new infusion of community support. Finding it out in the farm land of Tenino is a welcome surprise.

The Three Graces

Metal sculptures throughout a grassy forest

Metal rings sculpture