Enchant Christmas Lights and Ice Skating Rink in Seattle Safeco Field Baseball Stadium

A lighting and events group created quite a holiday destination for Seattlites: Enchant. The venue was at capacity with people interested to wander and explore.

Enchant involves many levels of Seattle’s Safeco Stadium, where the Seattle Mariners baseball team play during their season. Enchant is a great use of […]

2019-01-09T21:37:10-08:00December 27, 2018|

Smithsonian Institution and National Mall in Washington DC

The Smithsonian Institution, National Mall, and nearby exhibits and attractions are a very dense collection of national treasures, indeed. Other options range from the Spy Museum to Chinatown to exotic plants at the National Arboretum to Air & Space Museum to riding electric scooters in front of the White […]

2019-01-09T22:36:01-08:00November 21, 2018|

Coupeville Torchlight Parade for Halloween

The small town of Coupeville on Whidbey Island has an annual tradition right before Halloween: The Torchlight Parade. Local neighbors gather in Cooks Corner Park and talk and talk while judges go around looking at costumes of different categories for giving prizes out later. The organizers lead a […]

2019-01-09T21:58:16-08:00October 27, 2018|

Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race

The Port Townsend Kinetic Sculpture Race attracts a ragtag group of folks who like to blend creativity and ingenuity, and then put it all on public display in a pseudo-race that is all for fun. The race extends across two days, spanning an initial show in a parade, then […]

2018-10-07T14:35:02-07:00October 7, 2018|

Through Steep Hillsides and Lush Meadows to Lake Ann

The Lake Ann Trail is a fun way to skirt around a steep mountainside, go through colorful fall meadows, and end up at a pretty mountain lake cirque after seeing a pika or bear. It is located in the Okanogan National Forest of the Cascade Mountains, accessible from mountain […]

2018-10-01T22:34:56-07:00September 29, 2018|

Rainbow of Fall Color by Blue Lake

The trail to Blue Lake is pretty any time of year, rising up through forests and surrounded by craggy Cascade Mountain peaks. In the fall season, it is even better. Bright yellow golden larch trees line the ridges, showing off their unusual coniferous fall color change. Below […]

2018-10-01T22:26:48-07:00September 28, 2018|

Diablo Lake

Diablo Lake is a beautiful lake along mountain highway 20, formed between two electricity-generating dams. The lake has intense colors at different times of day and seasons, sometimes dependent upon the amount of glacial flour mixed into the water from higher up. A wide open overlook is easily […]

2018-09-30T22:41:13-07:00September 28, 2018|
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