I was definitely wide awake after participating in the annual Three Tree Point neighborhood Polar Bear Club swim in chilly Puget Sound on New Year’s Day. Andy rallied the troops and led the charge into the water, Chris won the gung ho award for going back in a second time, Steve worked the frigid dip into his running schedule for a little “cool down”, and I enjoyed being “baptized” as a new member of the club. About 15 supporters also showed up to root us on. There was a friendly dog there who had the sense not to go in, but we had more fun

Burien Three Tree Point Polar Bears Club Before Swimming Puget Sound

Chris, Steve, Scott, and Andy getting cheered on before swim

Burien 3 Three Tree Point Polar Bears Club Splashing Each Other In Puget Sound

Steve, Chris, Scott, and Andy splashing each other

Burien Three Tree Point Polar Bears Club After Swim In Puget Sound

Steve, Chris, Scott, and Andy shivering but glad as they emerge from Puget Sound