A fire dancer spinning kerosene on chains in Garwood’s backyard. This was late into Gar’s Kilt Party, where kilts were required and extra points were scored for going free-bird. Considering the booming outside techno music and the flying flames, the neighbors were surprisingly nice about it all and no police showed up! (March 2001)

Fire twirler at Gar’s Kilt Party, displaying green flames around one arm and red flames around the other. Fun stuff, especially when they did funky tricks like revolving the flames around their legs and doing crisscross patterns in the air to the beat of the music.

Yes, that’s me wearing a pseudo-kilt. It’s actually a cheap blanket bought from the local Goodwill store, but it served its purpose: Gar’s Kilt Party. And it’s not a skirt, so keep the jokes to yourself.

Here’s the band at the Cirque de Flambe’s Superheroes party. Gotta like people who aren’t in it just for the music! The party was in an old dilapidated concrete warehouse, which was perfect for the burning festivities… very few walls to catch fire except for the ones they wanted to catch fire… (May 18, 2001)

Teresa going at it full swing during the fire show at the Cirque de Flambe’s Superheroes Party. She’s a member of the informal group, and she’ll occasionally bring her “glowing toys” to some of our friends’ Puget Sound beach bonfires, too. The show included jump ropes, abstract tentacles, monsters, tree things, and other stuff. All on fire, of course…

Banana Slug Man (Scott) versus FooFoo Girlie Man in the inflatable good-versus-evil battle arena at the Cirque de Flambe’s Superheroes Party. Banana Slug Man resoundingly defeated FooFoo Girlie Man, but not before the crowd was glaringly subjected to the fact that FooFoo Girlie Man was not wearing anything under his fine evening attire (proving conclusively that she was, in fact, a man).

Holding up virtuous values, left to right: Unknown Person (aka Dimdoodle; enjoys standing in pictures with people she doesn’t know), Nuclear Bunny (aka Karen; hops to the beat of a different drummer), Private Parts (aka Mark; came complete with job resume and childhood baggage), Banana Slug Man (aka Scott; slimes foes everywhere), James Bondage (aka Garwood; ties up voluptuous villainesses in the name of the common good), Bond Babe (aka Xandra; distracts baddies by the swagger of her hips), and Super Freak (aka Kathy; uses spandex as a weapon against bad taste everywhere).

A tree in flames at the annual Christmas Tree Burn on the beaches of Golden Gardens, under the stars and moon. The fire department did stop by with a fire truck, but fortunately they arrived during a “lull” in the flame height and we were allowed to stay. More trees on the pyre after they left! (January 2003)
Our second party at our Three Tree Point home was a good collection of 4th of July “stuff”. Some people walked the beach while others messed with steaks on the fire or drank bad beer. As darkness settled in, the whole waterfront neighborhood lit up with a continuous barrage of fireworks all up and down the coast. There were enough bangs and burns going on all night that eventually it just became background war zone noise, and we almost ignored the big neighborhood show from the anchored barge on the water since the “show” had already been going on for hours anyhow from all the neighbors. Some people even had to watch from inside our house since the smoke and noise outside was rather thick. Afterwards, we cranked up the tunes and had some great fire spinning performances…