The 20th running of the Lind Combine Demolition Derby! Old combines were hauled from the farm fields for a final fit of glory in the bleacher-lined outdoor stadium of rural Lind, Washington. The Demo Derby is by far Lind’s biggest event of the year, with over 5000 spectators. The weekend includes a combine and classic car parade down the main street, dirt track style demolition car and truck derbies, some surprises sprinkled in, and lots of food, drink, hooting, and hollering. Before the heats for the main event, combines even get judged by the volume of crowd applause for the one best decorated.

Combines get semi-modified by local “pit crews” to include a few safety features and to also get rid of dangerous appendages that sometimes come with combines. The rules and regs are taken somewhat seriously, as are the inspections, and then they are all let loose as heavy metal gladiators into the arena. The slow moving beasts are sometimes surprisingly nimble in the hands of a good combine driver. The crowd roars approval for a resounding crunch, or a ripped off tire, or Machiavellian demolition carnage leading to survival of those still running.

All good unclean fun out in Lind…

Lind Combine Demolition Derby

The somewhat mangled competitors face off for another run at each other

Lind Combine Demolition Derby

Who let this group in? (photo from Lyle)