We visited the Leavenworth area for 3 days of cross-country skiing during the day and exploring the touristy faux Bavarian town during the evenings. Our skiing took us through Lake Wenatchee State Park, volunteer-run Icicle River Trail in Leavenworth, and south to Camas Land and Tiptop Mountain. We stayed at the pleasant Tumwater B&B in their spacious Edelweiss Suite and had some very entertaining conversations with other guests and the hostess each morning over a huge breakfast that started us off well each day. The town offered different restaurant experiences, “stuff” shops, and even the elusive Bavarian pretzel.

Short video featuring “The Ankle Cam”:

Lake Wenatchee State Park, Cross-Country Skiing On Nason Ridge

Nason Ridge in Lake Wenatchee State Park

Camas Land Meadows, Before Heading Up Tiptop Mountain

Camas Land meadows, near the entry point onto forest service road 7200 (Camas Creek Road) heading up Tiptop Mountain

Karen At Viewpoint On Tiptop Mountain

Karen at a viewpoint on Tiptop Mountain, with sandstone cliff wall in the middle distance

Scott At Viewpoint On Tiptop Mountain, With Horse Lake Mountain In Distance

Scott at the viewpoint on the side of Tiptop Mountain; Horse Lake Mountain in the distance