The Methow Valley is a beautiful part of Washington, on the eastern side of the Cascade Mountains where forest-lined rivers, trail networks, and western tourist towns all mix for a fun getaway.
We stayed at the Alpine Wilderness log cabin in Mazama. The cabin is well laid out and conveniently located, though it has the creakiest floors on planet Earth. From there, after some good meals and huge water fights with squirt guns, the Methow Valley beckoned.
Cutthroat Lake Trail meanders up a picturesque valley formed by sheer mountain cliffs on both sides. It is within Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. Along the way, rough hewn log bridges crisscross Cutthroat Creek as it steadily descends. The trail ends at a massive amphitheater of rock that surrounds Cutthroat Lake itself, as clouds rise over the snow-laden passes above.
Back in rural civilization, Mazama’s “downtown” is formed by the Mazama General Store, an outdoor gear store, and that’s just about it. Everywhere else is river, private homes, and forested trail systems. The Mazama General Store has a good selection of goodies for those in need of something besides a granola bar.
Twisp has an artistic bent, as can be seen at the Twisp Farmers Market and the walking studio tour available. Restaurants and tourist shops also fill the central core for several blocks in each direction. Check out the B&B with a publicly accessible sculpture garden, TwispWorks communal art space, local theater, Methow Valley Interpretive Center for history, Cinnamon Twisps at the Cinnamon Twisp Bakery, and other fun destinations.
Winthrop is a “created” western town. It has the feel of a wild west town, and does have a lot of history in the area, although the main promenade is artificially created to have its historical appearance. The riverfront shops, restaurants, and snack shacks provide an easy day of touristy walking around. The Shafer Museum, on the hill above town, is especially interesting. It has many authentic pieces of machinery that sit around outside of old buildings while period lifestyle antiques sit inside restored historical residences, all congregated together into a historical stuff lover’s dream.
The Methow Valley offers many outdoors activities across many seasons, including hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking, rafting, and fly fishing. The hanging out is fun too.