I was pleasantly surprised by Kansas City, Missouri. I frankly came in with low expectations, and they were well exceeded. There was interesting nightlife, events, history, architecture, places to see, and things to do.
Liberty Memorial rises on a hill above Kansas City, visible from many directions. It is over top of the National War World I Museum, which has an interesting and in-depth display of weapons, uniforms, daily items, unusual technology of the time, vehicles, movies, and shared stories.
Nearby is Union Station. Trains still depart from there, though much of the interior has been converted from a train orientation to a tourist and activities orientation. Amongst the pretty architectural details are shops, restaurants, science museum, and more. From there, you can take the trolley-looking bus of Kansas City Fun Tours. They provide an interesting and compact tour of the entire city, and it sets the stage for anyone who may be visiting briefly or for a longer stay.
For art fans, there is the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art. This museum was a random find, and a really good one. The quality and presentation of the artwork was high. The smaller size of the museum meant they were emphasizing quality over quantity.
Stop by Kansas City for a visit!
Liberty Memorial
National World War I Museum
Union Station
Kansas City Fun Tours
Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art