Wow, BIG trees in Calaveras Big Trees State Park. Truth in advertising there. Groves of 2000 year old giant sequoias are interconnected by interpretative walking trails that combine both botany and history. The park is located along Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway between White Pines and Dorrington, and it includes a visitors center, campground, and lots of trail options.

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Giant Sequoia Trees Along North Grove Trail

Giant sequoia trees along the North Grove trail

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Discovery Tree Stump

The Discovery Tree Stump. This huge tree was cut down by an entrepreneur in 1853 who concocted a plan to take the thick bark (just the bark!) on a worldwide exhibition and charge admission. He ran into a problem, though: it was all thought to be a hoax and people didn’t believe a tree could be that large. The stump itself soon afterwards did become a tourist attraction here though: dances were held on the stump and the felled tree (still visible in the background) was shaped to form an elevated in-place bowling alley. Later the stump was used as the floor of an enclosed office building, and now it’s open to the light again.

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Inside Fallen Tree

This fallen tree trunk was naturally hollowed out over the years, and can be easily walked through. Music bands sometimes performed on top of the trunk.

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Inside Trees

Peeking out from a tree chasm

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Reclining Bench

Since people have to bend their necks back so far to look up at these trees, the park built a reclining bench along the trail

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Looking Up Between Two Trees

Real “sky scrapers” here, with the markings of old forest fires visible

Calaveras Big Trees State Park Stanislaus River Rapids And Waterfalls

The Stanislaus River, always ready with swimming holes and fishing holes