Wallace Falls State Park, Wallace River Trail

Karen and Scott at one of the large cascades of Wallace Falls in Wallace Falls State Park. It’s a nice upwards hike from the park entrance through a wooded trail that follows the Wallace River to the main falls. (Gold Bar, Washington)

Jordan Lodge East Of Wenatchee Lake On Wenatchee River

Suzanne, Gina, Carla, Scott, and Karen in front of Jordan Lodge in the Wenatchee Lake area. We rented the entire lodge for Memorial Day weekend with a group of friends. It has a great location right on the shore of the Wenatchee River (just off the left of this picture), and has lots of good hanging out amenities: hot tub (for warming up after rafting), basketball hoop (for some goofy competitiveness and occasional actual scoring), a barbecue (for unexpectedly shattering into pieces on our cooking salmon), and lots of bedrooms and bathrooms to accommodate us all. The living room was huge, too, and provided a good spot for a game of Balderdash and jabbering. (northwest of Leavenworth, Washington)

Reading In Hammock By Wenatchee River

Suzanne and Carla “hanging out” in the hammock in front of Jordan Lodge on the shore of the Wenatchee River. Great reading spot (and I think they got a little dozing in, too)! (east of Wenatchee Lake)

Rafting Wenatchee River

Eric, Katchen, Suzanne, Scott, Lynn, Carla, Anna, and Gina rafting on the Wenatchee River. We had a lot of fun, with the highest water for the entire year. It was a very dry winter beforehand, so the river was running low until this one particular weekend when a sudden increase in temperature melted a lot of snow quickly. The following weekends tapered off to lower water levels again, so the timing on the river was perfect! I went through the next set of rapids “rodeo style”, which is where I got up on the bow with my legs dangling over the front and holding on with one hand. It was obviously pretty wet as I was used as the battering ram through the high waves, but I was able to hang on when our boat got caught in a big trough and flipped out almost everyone else. The river guides owe a beer per swimmer to the general guides’ beer stash, so Eric had to contribute nearly a whole 6 pack on that one “bonus ride”! (Wenatchee River near Leavenworth, Washington)

Dinner At Jordan Lodge Near Wenatchee Lake By Wenatchee River

Clockwise from front: Suzanne, Russell, Katchen, Gina, Eric, Lynn, Cameron, Carla, Jim, Karen, and Anna eating a great and filling meal in Jordan Lodge after a day of rafting for some and hiking for the others. Fun weekend! (east of Wenatchee Lake)